Important Notes for Authors of Accepted Papers


Dear Authors,
The 14th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration will begin on the morning of Wednesday 11th December 2024 with registration desk open from 8:00.
We believe that you or your co-author will attend the conference to present your paper on the date and time which will be announced you via the conference website (
Please also take a special note of the following:

Accepted Oral Papers

1. The papers written in English will be presented in English sessions and in English language.
2. Each contributed paper has been allocated 15 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for questions and answers and 2 minutes for change. Please keep to the time allocated to you by the Chairman.
3. The corresponding author should upload the presentation file of the paper via conference website before 5th Dec. 2024 (Login by username and password-->Submit Paper--> Click on Paper ID --> Submit Changes --> Add File (File Type: Oral/Poster Presentation) -->Filename (Select and Upload File) --> Submit Changes).  

Important Point
- Presentation file must have .pptx extension (PowerPoint 2013). Please do not use PowerPoint 2016 and upper version.
- Please name the presentation file as "Pres-5321", where 5321 is the paper reference number.
- Presentation file must not be larger than 10Mb. Therefore, it is recommended that the number of slides be limited to 30 slides.
- It is recommended that the papers written in Farsi (Persian) have their Power point presentation file prepared in English, in the case of Font differences. If you are going to prepare your power point in Farsi, please use usual fonts (i.e. Titr, Nazanin, Lotus, Mitra,...).

4. All authors should meet at the front of the meeting room for their session at least 10 minutes before the session starts. The authors are encouraged to prepare a short bibliography and hand it to the session chairman before the session starts. The presenting author should have a copy of the presentation file with him/her at the time of the conference.

7. If you are a student, you must present your valid student card at the registration desk.


Oral Presentation Template- Persian

Oral Presentation Template- English


Accepted Poster Papers

1. The poster of the paper should be prepared in size A2 based on the ISAV2024 poster template .
2. All authors should meet at the front of the meeting room for their session at least 20 minutes before the session starts. The presenting author must bring a printout of his/her paper poster to be installed on the place embedded in the conference venue.
3. If you are a student you must present your valid student card at the registration desk.


Poster Presentation Template- Persian

Poster Presentation Template- English